2008 BMW 1-Series ATI Transmission


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About ATI

It all started in an unassuming general rebuilding shop in Silver Spring, MD over 55 years ago and it has been growing ever since and continues to operate as a family owned business by members who are passionate about racing. We are talking about none other than ATI Performance Products, Inc., a leader in the industry of high performance parts.

You don’t get this successful by ignoring things like the newest in technology and the need for extensive testing done under racing conditions and ATI certainly did not neglect either of these. These along with their attention to the smallest detail have earned them their place in the aftermarket performance arena.

And if you are in the market for a transmission you won’t be disappointed because ATI offers a multiplicity of transmissions of incomparable quality. The Powerglide transmissions come in a variety of choices such as the new Superglide 4, touted to be the strongest Powerglide in the marketplace and for use in high horsepower race cars, pullers and monster trucks with an application base for Chevy, Ford, Mopar and Toyota.

Another impressive option is the Super Glide 2 with a horsepower of 2400 HP that is perfect for high performance horsepower racing cars, pullers and monster trucks and with ATI’s impressive features such as the ATI SuperCase® &Tailhousing, the ATI Billet Aluminum Super Pump and others. And if you need the added reliability of a heavy-duty application then the ATI High Impact Powerglide Racing Transmission might be just the ticket for your racer that produces more than 1500 HP.

Or maybe the Straight Cut Proglide, ATI’s favorite Bracket 7 Super Gas Proglide transmission is for you with its 9310 Straight Cut Gear Set. And you drag racers check out the Footbrake Proglide designed for automatic drag racing. For 3 speed Turbo 400 racers consider the impressive TH400 Transmission by ATI and if you have an older racer designed between 1969 and 1981 with a GM Turbo 350 check out the ATI TH 350 Transmission. Check out these and the others available from ATI and you won’t be disappointed when you are searching for a racing transmission.

And if you are not happy with an inexpensive and unimpressive damper that is prone to breakage then consider the ATI dampers that are available in three choices, the ATI Standard Dampers that are sure to eliminate harmful crankshaft harmonics and thus eliminate HP loss. And if you prefer serpentine grooves in the outer shell so that you can drive accessory belts than take a look at the ATI Serpentine Dampers and if you need to accommodate blower belts then the Supercharged Damper with grooves machined into the outer shell might be the one for you.

The above products are a testament to the innovation in design and to ATI’s commitment to the racing community and to this end ATI is the proud owner of over a dozen US Patents with more pending. If racing and success is for you then check out the impressive array of products from ATI and help yourself get to the winners circle.