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About Schrader

In need of a Tire Pressure Monitoring System for your car and want to know something about the company who manufactures it so that you can make an informed decision. Well the team at LMPerformance can help with that by introducing you to Schrader, a company that started in 1844 by August Schrader, a New York resident whose original goal was to supply fittings and valves for rubber products like air pillows and life preservers. Then like all good inventors Schrader went on to design and manufacture dive equipment and then eventually the pneumatic tire valve. More recently Schrader became the pioneer who introduced the Tire Pressure Monitoring System , a technology used in nearly every OEM vehicle platform in the world.

The purchase of the Schrader company by the world’s leading suppliers of sensing electrical protection, control and power management solution, Sensata Technologies, made Schrader a leader in the world TPMS market. It is hard to argue with a company that has such an impressive background and such an impressive history of success in original product design. You should certainly feel you can trust a product designed and manufactured by them.

All of the Schrader sensors are manufactured with the care you would expect from such a company and their patented technology is present in all of their aftermarket sensors and, of course, are direct fit and programmable. And the EZ-Sensor by Schrader is a TPMS sensor that can be programmed to service over 98% of the vehicles in North America. Schrader, a company that is ever evolving and searching for the next technological product to help you with your automotive needs.