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About RideTech

If you consider yourself to be among the category of drivers known as Hot Rodders and you are in the market for an aftermarket product to lower your car, you need to give some thought to Ridetech. And if you ask the team at LMPerformance why, they will tell you that Ridetech has not only been in the marketplace since 1996 with headquarters in Jasper, Indiana; but they also have a primo reputation.

When Ridetech took on the challenge of lowering cars for racing they were equal to the task and were quick to utilize air suspension to accomplish their goals. Ridetech decided they were up to the tasks of making those vintage cars drive and perform as well as contemporary cars, of making trucks ride like a sedan and of making cars built to handle on rails give a smooth ride. And, of course, Ridetech was able to meet those goals by providing you with a product that has been well designed and expertly manufactured and does all of the above mentioned things.

If you are in the market for a product that will give you an enjoyable yet responsive ride and will allow you to adjust your ride height and articulation, then you need to take a look at the Ridetech air suspension products. You also might want to investigate the ShockWave®, that impressive invention by Ridetech that is an integrated air spring and shock absorber system second to none.

So if you Hot Rodders need an air suspension system, coilover, sway bar, shock absorbers, coil and leaf springs and more, check out the Ridetech products on the LMPerformance website and you won't be disappointed.