OS Giken

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OS Giken

About OS Giken

The evolution of OS Giken is a diverse one, beginning in 1960 with Mr. Okazaki’s desire to build a Japanese race engine that could compete with the then current European complement of racers. Over the years Mr. Okazaki worked on various projects ranging from motorcycles to 4-wheel drive automobiles. But the OS Giken company was officially founded in 1973 with the determination to produce high performance products that are of the highest quality and as a result they have established themselves as a competitor to be reckoned with in today’s high performance aftermarket industry.

The OS Giken specialty lies in the production and design of engine and drivetrain components and the company has earned the reputation of being among the world’s most accomplished drivetrain manufacturers. This reputation could only be achieved through dedication and forward thinking and to this end OS Giken sees to it that all of their parts are totally and completely manufactured and assembled in house under only the strictest quality control.

Take as an example the OS Giken clutch that is not designed the usual way but is designed with the demands of the different race disciplines in mind; hence, the up to six different twin discs offered for a given application. The OS Giken clutch possibilities are an impressive range from the Super Single clutch kit that can handle the heat capacity of track and aggressive use and is a simple bolt on to the impressive R series found in Formula Drift vehicles due to their ability to handle heat and abuse. And there are lots in between including one if you are not an aggressive driver, the Grand Touring Series, designed to be easier to slip and drive everyday. Lots of choices with the impressive OS Giken clutch.