Ion Wheels

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Ion Wheels

About Ion Wheels

ION Alloy Wheels is part of The Wheel Group (TWG). TWG is a manufacturer and distributor with over 45 years of experience specializing in aftermarket automotive wheels, bumpers, and accessories. TWG is headquartered in Ontario, California, with a network of 20 distribution facilities in major cities throughout the US and Canada. The Wheel Group handles a large international customer base in many countries, including Canada, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, and Australia. Its R&D team aims to create the latest, most innovative, and exciting designs.

All TWG products are made from the most current equipment with the highest technology to produce both cast and forged wheels of the highest quality. All wheels produced by TWG are manufactured to meet or exceed OEM, ISO, SAE, JWL, VIA, and TUV standards.

ION Alloy Wheels ensures that value never takes a back seat to quality, which is why it has been an industry leader for nearly 20 years. ION prides itself on continually exceeding the highest standards in the industry while delivering a reliable wheel with consistent performance and tremendous aesthetic appeal.