Griots Garage

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Griots Garage

About Griots Garage

As everyone knows you can buy the fanciest car in the world but if you don’t take care of it both inside and out you will be disappointed in its appearance and it will begin to show wear. Taking care of your car is no easy task but having the right car care products to do the job will certainly make that job easier. Well, the folks at Griot’s Garage know that too, so in 1990 they set about developing liquid car care products that would help you get the job done.

A US company, whose development and manufacturing facility are housed in Indianapolis, Griot’s Garage, has designed and produced everything you will need to keep your car looking new. And you professional car caretakers can get the help you need at Griot's Garage since their products are available in larger quantities.

In the market for products to make your cleaning easier then check out the rotary polishers or the detailing products by Griot’s Garage. Want to get your wheels looking like new? Griot’s Garage has just the ticket with its Heavy Duty Wheel Cleaner that will get rid of even the most stubborn dirt and cleaning will be a cinch since it will cling to the surface for better penetration. And the ugly tires don’t stand a chance against the Griot’s Rubber Cleaner that will remove even difficult silicones and waxes and it works great for molding made of rubber.

Waxing your car is a tough job but you can extend that shine with the Griot’s Foaming Poly Gloss that is formulated with products designed to protect your shine and keep it lasting great longer.