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About Boundary

The team at Late Model Performance knows how important your car’s oil pump is in circulating your engine’s oil so that it properly lubricates your car's bearings and they also know it helps to keep your engine cool. So we know you want an oil pump you can count on from a company you can trust particularly if you are a street or track racer who pushes their ride to the limit. Boundary Racing Pumps is just such a company with an excellent reputation that dates back to its founding in 2003 when it specialized in manufacturing parts for the racing arena. Success in this arena led to the launching of their gear products in 2005. So you can see Boundary has a considerable history in the aftermarket pump arena.

Boundary is housed right here in the USA in Dallas, Texas where their units are manufactured in house. Quality and consistency are the hallmark of the Boundary Racing Pumps and the inhouse facility has up-to-the-minute CNC milling and turning equipment to assure you of a primo product. And best of all Boundary has as their only goal delivering you the premier lubrication system so they differ from companies who manufacture a multiplicity of products. The Boundary goal is to give you the best aftermarket lubrication system available for your high performance needs.

Just take a look at your OEM oil pump and see how its quality will differ from the Boundary Racing Pump. The OEM oil pump is manufactured using powdered steel to save money but the Boundary Racing Pump is manufactured with billet steel so that rather than getting less than 6000 PSI of strength you are getting nearly 110,000 PSI in yield strength.

Boundary wanted to create a superlative combination of heat treat and steel grade so that they could give you the epitome of oil pump material and they did not want to leave this to chance but accomplished this by working with metallurgists to achieve this end. And to further assure you of a quality product they used avant garde FEA simulations to break down each oil pump for weaknesses and then subjected the pumps to debris impacts, vibration, and offside loads so that they left no stone unturned in their quest for the best. Boundary doesn’t stop there but they go on to test and retest until they are satisfied with the product strength.

If you are looking for a primo oil pump that will produce significantly more oil flow, more pressure and accomplish this earlier in the RPM band then Boundary Racing Pumps fit the bill. Whether you have a street or race vehicle you will not be disappointed in the quality and performance of the Boundary Racing Pumps since Boundary Pumps are utilized by engines producing up to 550hp/L with success.

You can feel confident that your pump was designed and manufactured by Boundary because they take pride in the fact that they do not outsource their machining or design work but do everything in house with a knowledgeable and dedicated team and you can’t ask for more than that.